
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Relaxing Saturday

 I woke up when I wanted to this morning.  Yep, I wanted to be lazy today. Till about 9:30 am when son called and wanted to know could the girls come just for a while  while he works on the fence in Nanny's pasture.  So, of course I said yes. He took them to eat breakfast while I hopped in shower and got ready and I ate breakfast too. 

I was still in the shower 🚿 when they arrived and of course they high tailed it in there with me. I have not had privacy since the boys were older and didn't need to come in the bath room with me anymore. But now I have little tiny human beings that want me all the time,  so there's that. While I was in the shower 🚿 dear son did this for me 

He knows how much I love my fireplace and since it was 20 something degrees outside....... bless him.  He was cold too. 🥶

One of these days this old woman will learn how to shave without cutting myself. 

I let the girls just do whatever they wanted to do today. So they spent 2 hrs just coloring and drawing. 

We took a break for some lunch and then it was time for nap and they slept 2 1/2 hrs. I slept 2 hrs. I needed it since I didn't sleep good last night. 

Dakota got done working on the fence and came and picked them up and took them home to eat supper. 

Nanny told Dakota a long time ago that he could utilize her two pastures for cows. And that is what he is doing now. Some of the fence just needed mending and some brush pulled back off of it. 

We have always wanted to have a few cows and raise them for our beef. So I guess we are well on our way to doing that. Dakota does the raising and we go in half and have it butchered. This is right up his alley. The girls love to see the babies too. Right now his cow is in a friend's pasture. When everything gets set up and he moves his cow we will show you. 

I tidied up everything and threw a whole chicken in the pressure cooker. 30 minutes later, I got it out,  deboned it, shredded it and made my supper. Dallas had him a Buffalo chicken wrap. 🐔 

Hey,  don't mind the cheese balls with the healthy wrap. It's all about balance people. All about balance. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my night eating my wrap by the fireplace and retire to my bedroom later.  Good night all. 

1 comment:

  1. The fire looks wonderful! We don't have a fireplace and this time of year I wish we did.
    I love that your little want to be near you - that's a blessing!
