
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Our Winter Wonderland

 Our morning looks like this

The sun was shining bright but we were no where close to above freezing. It was 5 degrees outside wind chill of-12. This is not normal for us. This will not be melting and we are in for another round tomorrow morning through Wednesday.  

Our State Highway Dept and Law Enforcement Agencies are asking everyone to stay off the roads. 

I know people up North make fun of us Southerners for closing things down during snow. Well, let me say this, it is one thing to drive on packed snow which is dry. However,  it is totally different when you get freezing rain 🌧 then it freezes to a solid sheet of ice on the roads, then snows on top of that. Since our humidity is different in the south,  this can be a wet snow which freezes. Tire chains don't help, sometimes salting the roads don't help. So this is why everything gets shut down. We really CANT drive on ice without sliding. S0 many people have already had wrecks.

Jossie did not have to go to work today, so she had girls. I'm having grandchildren withdrawals. Lol. Her school is closed for the rest of the week and so is regular schools in our county.  

I made grill cheese for all of us for breakfast. 

Then we just took it easy and later took a nap.  

After nap we had afternoon coffee. And then I suited up and helped dear hubby load firewood in wood bin outside. I needed to get out and get fresh air


Tonight, I gonna try my hand at homemade chicken pot pie 🥧.  I cooked a whole chicken the other night and we already had wraps with it. Tonight,  I will use some more shredded chicken 🐔 for the filling. We will see

I used a recipe that was in one of my Pioneer Woman recipe books. This recipe makes two pie crusts.


 I rolled out my dough. There is a trick to picking up your crust and moving it to your dish. Roll your dough around your rolling pen and roll it onto your dish. 

I used alot of things I had on hand. I used some of my precooked and shredded chicken, a jar of home canned green beans, a jar of home canned carrots 🥕,  some frozen peas, and some of our home grown corn from the garden. I used a can of cream of chicken soup with some milk. This was my filling. Then I put my other crust on top of that. 

I had some crust left over and made a small extra pie. 

As usual, while the pies 🥧 were baking,  I cleaned as I went.  

Oh my goodness, just let me say it was delicious. Even two teenage boys went back for seconds. 

Then we had cheesecake for dessert. This is one I made back during the holidays and put in the freezer. 

Then we just enjoyed the rest of our night with the fireplace. 

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