
Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Happenings

Well, I'm back to my normal posting. Just trying to get back to some normalcy here. 

The girls got here around 6:30am. I had my coffee and read my devotions before they got here. Yes, Moms and Grandmas,  you need some me time sometimes. Alone with God and your thoughts. You have to find the time ⏲️ that suits you best. Try before anyone wakes up in the morning or after everyone goes to bed. Alot of times when the girls spend the night, I don't get my alone time in the morning because we all wake up at the same time. I don't like alarms if I can help it. Lol. When I put them to bed and they fall asleep, I will have my quiet time for a bit before my bedtime 🌙.  I might read, blog, watch some YouTube videos I follow etc. 

We watched a little movie so we could get awoke. We had breakfast with waffles 🧇 with Whipped cream and sprinkles. Well, I had a chaffle.  

After breakfast, we did our stretches. I have missed my stretching buddy. 

We then took baths 🛁 and shower 🚿 and got ready for the day. 

Gmaws Preschool Academy (I call us):

I bought some preschool dvds 📀 and I love them. (Not affiliated link)

We practiced drawing our shapes. Cool idea: I bought these see through paper pocket holders and put their printable pages inside. They can use dry erase markers and trace and work on their papers then wipe them off. This was , the papers are reusable so I can use them for other grandchildren. ❤❤ 

We worked on our letter for the day which was A. We had story time. 

While they ate a snack, I got supper in the crockpot.  I opened up a jar of vegetable soup I canned and I had some corn bread  🍞 in the freezer. Wholah! 

It's all about multi tasking and balance. I'm trying to get into a routine and manage my time wisely because some days they just say, "I need you." That means pick them up, hug them and love on then. ❤💘

Then, my favorite part. Nap. Yea, by then I was wore out and so were they. They fell asleep so fast. 

We got up, had a snack and my coffee. They helped me water our tomato plant and Peace Lilly. They love helping me with my plants and herbs. 

If you notice their clothes change. Atleigh loves to play dress up everyday and loves dresses. She calls then Princess dresses 👗.  

Then I just let them play while waiting on mommy to get here to pick them up. It is her week. I told yall last that things were looking up in their situation. Well, they have went backwards. I am really just torn. My son is in such a turmoil. All I can do is keep encouraging him to take this time to work on himself and pour his energy into our girls.  They need him now and he needs them. His head is just swimming right now and I'm just asking God for guidance and discernment for him. 

Here is a thought:

I'm gonna post one for the guys.  When you think they don't care and don't talk, you better pay attention. They hold in things you don't even have a clue about.  They carry their own burdens,  concerns, worry, and stress. Please please pay attention. We expect them to pay attention to us don't we?

Well, enough about things that make me sad. 

I was keeping the girls busy while we were waiting on mommy to come get them. They wanted to do more school. Great. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

I love using these magnetic letters to spell out 2 and 3 letter words. Atleigh is catching on quick. 

 She had to stay late at school 🏫 but I had errands to run so I got them ready and we went to town. She met us in town and picked them up. 

We picked up some candy and cards to make for everyone for Valentine's Day. 

We were eating snacks and watching TV in the truck. 

Even when she came to get them,  they didn't want to leave Gmaw.  😊😊😊 

I finally got home and unloaded everything and got the kitchen cleaned and the living room tidied up from the day. 

I went ahead and baked the cookies that we are going to make for Valentines 💝 Day. We are going to decorate them in the morning and get some packaged up for Poppie to send to him. I am going to let them make cards for everyone. ❤ 

I am finally settled down for the night and I am exhausted.  I am calling it a night. 

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