
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Good Week

It has been a good week. We've worked and played. 
I'm still getting squash, zucchini and peppers out of the garden. 
We have three corn rows left to harvest and we get some a little at a time. The tomatoes are fizzling out at the moment. I am going to try to see if I can get a second little harvest out of them. Sometimes I can, sometimes not. But I have done good this year. I am very pleased. Nothing makes me feel more secure than a full freezer and pantry. Dear hubby has helped alot. He knows when I need a rest and he takes over. 

I've been cooking some good meals too with our fresh vegetables.  
One night we had Italian meatloaf, fresh corn, squash and zucchini fritters, my homemade fermented and canned sauerkraut,  and pinto beans. 

Tonight I did the ultimate. I made a double decker pizza. Yummy. 🍕🍕🍕🍕

IT'S JUST THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY.  I told my momma years ago, about 15, to NEVER EVER get rid of this little house. She got it at a yard sale and it was Dakota and Dallas play fort for cowboys and Indians. She held onto it. Now it's ours. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🏚🏚🏚🏚🏚🏚🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠
Got handsome man to put me some pallets together and make them safe. 
This has been a year long project. Took apart, pressure washed, painted, put back together and fixed up. Complete with lights and mailbox. 
 I'm so proud,  my eyes are misty.

We've got to play some too. 

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