
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Work Hard, Play Hard

We have been working hard around here lately, but we have also learned to play hard and rest when we need to. We get up early in the morning and get some things done and then we make it a point to take a break around lunch and take showers and get some rest. After rest time, we go for round two. It may be going back outside to get more work done, which results in another shower when we're done or something else. I am so thankful for a husband and son who does alot of the hard labor around here. I really just can't hold up some days and I have to just say I can't take anymore right now.

 The laundry has to be done more in the summer due to several showers a day, but that is ok. Summer is our hardest working time and sweatiest.  When I say sweat, I don't just mean a little sweat. I mean a drench sweat to where when you come in, your clothes are soaked and you can literally wring them out. Our heat and humidity is brutal here. You can stand outside 2 minutes and start sweating and you can just breathe the humid hot air. We are in heat advisories now.

One day I declared a ME day. It was all about taking care of me. I pampered myself all day. Manicure and pedicure, because garden dirt hides in inconspicuous places. Then I just had a good day out in my little back yard oasis. Who says you can't have fun in a little pool. I packed me a picnic lunch,  grabbed a book and my tablet and my bluetooth speaker and just had some me time outside by my grandkids pool.

One day we had free and my momma came and spent the day with us. She is still a little leery about getting out into public unless she has to. So we just had the same thing here. I made us a big picnic lunch and we had the girls and Jossie and we just made a day of it. 

We're doing great in the garden too. I am putting up lots of zucchini and squash and we are getting tomatoes more frequently.  I am turning tomatoes into sauce today and canning it.

I also turned some purple cabbage into sauerkraut 

We have found a little watermelon growing and my DIL Jossie is so excited because she planted them. 
Look at this golly whopper of a tomato 

I thought my carrots were done for and bolted, but when I pulled some yesterday I was excited to see some had actually grown. The heat did get to them though, so I will let them reseed themselves and try for fall crop. My littlest granddaughter planted these. 

We have been using alot of our fresh veggies in cooking. Last night I made Broccoli Chicken Alfredo with some broccoli that we grew. It was delicious.  

I've been putting some squash and zucchini in some eggs for breakfast.  The possibilities are endless. 

I made a squash casserole one night with some of our fresh corn. 

We will clean up one end of the garden so I can plant some pumpkins.  
We are checking the corn everyday. All is not ready to harvest at the same time. This is good so we don't get overwhelmed.  We are having to start watering some because we are getting into our draught months. Planting and maintaining a garden is not for the weak that's for sure. You have to work it if you want anything. You can't just throw a seed out there and leave it to tend for itself. 
I am loving all my flowers blooming this year. The sunflowers are about 7 to 8 ft tall and the bumblebee bees are loving them. I plant them for the birds every year. The butterflies are loving the zinnas and marigolds.  

I have been dead heading flowers and saving seeds too.

It is the middle of July and my mum's are already blooming. 

My aero garden is sprouting herbs. 

When your hubby learns to use his clippers during a pandemic, you just keep rolling with the flow...

I got a hold of hubby's head after the clippers when he got done with the boys. Not bad if I say so myself.  This was my second time to do his hair. 

I love the sound of pinging jars...

As far as school goes, no one still knows anything yet. There are so many questions and no answers. I know this is hard on school boards and no one really knows what to do and there is not going to be any way that they can please everyone at the same time. Dallas and his girlfriend have decided to just go virtual.  Even if people go back and do traditional,  everything is going to be so confusing,  disorganized and chaotic. If one kid or teacher gets it then they will have to leave and quarantine and anyone who they have come in contact with. I can see students and teachers being in and out of school so much for absenteeism and etc. It will be one big mess. Then they still haven't got all the kinks out of the virtual learning. Some kids do not have internet access etc. Not to mention some classes are hands on like welding that Dallas is taking and FFA. 
This is all crazy right now.  
We will just have to make do and learn the best way we can this year. I know schools all over the US are concerned and trying to work things out. 

Well, I have really had enough for one day. I'm going to just relax and put my feet up. Goodnight all. 

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