
Friday, July 31, 2020


It has been a whirlwind around here. Harvesting, canning and Preserving is upon us. We have been getting corn, squash, zucchini and peppers. I'm loving filling up my freezers and pantries again. 

My sweetheart said he was here to make my life easier. Well, he did. He got me a food mill attachment for my Kitchen Aid so my process goes a little faster. 
We are turning tomatoes into sauce.  πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

This attachment is the bomb. It cuts my time down drastically.  I prefer running tomatoes that have been frozen and thawed out through it rather than fresh ones. I get more puree that way and they don't have to cook down as long. 

This stuff is liquid gold


One night I put my pressure cooker to work and made sweet and sour meatballs with fried rice and sauteed veggies. The sauteed veggies was all from our garden. 

My Aero Garden is doing great. I think I'm going to put it to use during the winter and see what else I can grow inside. 

We had a chance to have the girls over a weekend but we split them up to give them a break and they could have alone time with each of us. The first night we had Atleigh. However, she had fun with us but she cried for sissy. The next night we had Caroline. Atleigh did not want to leave. We had fun one on one time with each but they didn't like being without one another so we want do that again. We've done it before and they didn't mind and didn't do that. We did it because you know how siblings fuss and fight. But this time was different. So next time, they will both be here. 😁 Gmaw want let them fuss and fight. 😁  The girls did a switcharoonie on us though.  Atleigh who is usually my buddy, was a Poppies girl this time. And Caroline, which is a Poppies buddy, was attached to me this time. Lol. 

Just a girl and her Poppie.


 I had the best little helper in the kitchen. And when it was bedtime, we of course had to watch a movie with "nacks and juice". 

Cannot believe we have a Senior this year. My where has the time gone. Just yesterday he was my clingy, donut eating, kitchen baking, taste testing, football yelling, ride or die partner. Now, he's daddys buddy. After 9 mths and painful labor he ditches me. πŸ˜₯ 
Oh well, he will miss me when he leaves here next year. 
Got a whole year ahead of us. Let's do this Cool Terminator Cowboy Senior co 2021. πŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ“πŸ•ΆπŸŽ“πŸ“šπŸ“’πŸ“ƒ

He has to go two days during the grade rotation to get with all of his teachers and receive instructions for virtual learning. It will be called ReConnect. They will have access to their teachers should they have any questions or concerns or problems. They will set them up with emails, apps, links to websites and video calling so they can be a part of the class too. Some days he will be required to go to the school for his classes that requires hands on or dual enrollment like Welding. He is also signed up for a general medical class that will help him when he goes into the military. It's pretty much what they did at the end of the school year when this all started but they have worked out alot of kinks and revised issues and I think its going to work great. There will be ways the teachers can contact me too if there is ever any questions I have or any problems arise. Also, if they want to transition back into traditional school which means going to the classroom, it will be easy for them. They will have to rearrange some of his classes so that the days he does have to go onto campus that his classes will be back to back so he only has to make one trip to school and when he is done, he can leave. 

Jossie does not start school until the end of August and she is still learning how her classes will go. Some classes she will do online and some they will have to attend the classroom. They will do this on a rotating manner to keep class size down. It will be hard at first until they get a routine going and work out some kinks.

Well, I have to go pick some more veggies. Have a great day. 


  1. I've been wanting to buy an aero garden. Do you have any recommendations? I love to see that your garden has done great. We a are a bit behind you, but praying our recent rain brings on some goodness now.

    1. My husband bought mine off of Amazon. I truly love it. He signed me up for a monthly seed pod subscription or it may be every 4 mths. There are some pods that goes with it that you can plant your own seeds. It is so easy to use and understand.
      I am going to experiment this winter and see if I can grow small varieties of tomatoes. After they get so big under the light, you repot them. I cant wait to see what all I can do.
      We finally got some rain over the weekend. The last of our Corn needed it. Hope yall get some soon.
