
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Projects, Birthday and Flag Day

We have had so many projects going on the past few weeks. A lot that's been on our list for almost two years. We have created new beds around trees and our flag pole. Freshened up old flower beds. We always host a big 4th of July cookout at our house. So we have been trying to kick it into gear and get ready for that. 

We have been working tirelessly. When I say tirelessly, I mean it. We fall into bed at night. I'm so glad my sweet hubby knows when I need to take a break and rest. I love it when we work together. We make a good team. Our garden is coming right along. We had to get in and do a little weeding and tilling. 

Well, there went that manicure. 

My mother and I painted these gourds last year and my sweet hubby finally got them hung for me. I already have a blue bird family in one. 

My sweet little buddy turned 3yrs old. She is a Gmaws girl. 

First harvests of the garden. Hubby grilled us some cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower one night along with some chicken. Our tomato plants are getting green tomatoes on them. We have little romas too. 

We got our swimming pool up for our little girls. 

Every Princess needs a castle. 

This is Poppies girl. She has to be where   he is and doing what he's doing. 

We celebrated Flag Day.

I love it when this man grills for us 

We have got so many more projects to do around here but I'm so glad to be getting them done. 
It's time for me to fall into bed again. Sorry this post has been short but sweet. We are somewhat getting back to normal around our town. Thank Goodness. However, our country needs lots of prayers at this moment. I have spent more time in my Bible. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. You can lead an unbeliever to the Bible but you can't make them believe. You can spread knowledge to people but can't make them grasp it. Lord Jesus Help Us. 

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