
Monday, April 13, 2020

What Happened After Easter?

Well, it didn't end there, that's for sure.

After Jesus rose from the grave he spent the next 40 days appearing to several people,  followers,  and his disciples. He had to because people were still in shock and disbelief. Even Ole' Doubting Thomas. He had to remind them again of what the scriptures said that all that happened was what was suppose to happen and was still going to happen. He reminded them what they were suppose to do and that was go and spread the gospel.  The next thing that happens is Christ's Ascension.  This is something I'm going to study next. It's called Ascension Thursday and Ascension Sunday which is 40 To 43 days after Easter. Than 10 days after that is the Day of Pentecost when Jesus sends the Holy Spirit. You can read about these accounts in the Last chapter of Luke and the last chapter of John and starting the first chapter in Acts.

Here is a link describing the Ascension and some further study.

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