
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Stormy Night Cool Sunshiny Day

Last night we had severe weather blow through here.  It woke me up around midnight and lasted til after 2am. Took me a while to go back to sleep after it was over.

This morning I woke up and saw where some parts in our county had power outages and downed trees. So I have no doubt my son was called in in the middle of the night and worked all day restoring power. More time in prayer for me.

It was cool and sunshiny all day so I have had all the windows raised and and getting cool breezes and whiffs of my Lilac bush outside my kitchen window. When I was cooking supper, it kind of wanted to see what I was doing. 

See it sitting on the end of that limb?  I've got to get my humming bird feeders out. I will do it this evening. 

Since I couldn't get in the garden today, it was house cleaning day.  We still have to maintain a good clean home in the midst of everything.

 I ran my candle melts today with some extra essential oils. So with that and the lilacs in bloom outside,  it has smelled pretty awesome in here all day.

Tonight, I was looking in the fridge and saw some left overs again that needed to be used. Left over hamburger meat, rice and pinto beans makes excellent Enchiladas.

I have been craving cinnamon rolls for a while now, so I pulled out my recipe and tweaked it a little. I used a little all purpose flour, with whole wheat and oat flour and I used another glaze using cream cheese, butter, a little powdered sugar,  milk and maple extract. Yummy.

The rest of the night I'm just going to finish my cleaning and put away some laundry. 

I want to leave you with this today:

Today in Holy Week, it's called Maundy Thursday. Today is the day things started taking a somber turn. Jesus sent Peter and John ahead into Jeruselum to prepare the Upper Room for their last meal. Later that evening as they gathered,  Jesus washed the disciples feet. Then they shared the Feast of the Passover aka, the Last Supper. It is then Jesus announces one will betray the Son Of Man. Judas leaves and carries out his awful deed of finding the guards.
After the meal, Jesus and the disciples go to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed and agonized.
After he prayed for a while,  Judas leads the guards to Jesus in the Garden and betrays him with a Kiss.
They arrest Jesus and they hold him at the high priests home where they plan his case.
This is also when the disciples scatter in the wee hrs of the morning  and Peter denies Jesus three times.👑💒✝️

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