
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sheltering In Place

I hope this post finds everyone ok and well.
We have now been on a Shelter In Place order for our second week now. It will last until the end of April. School is out until the end of April and we are not sure about May yet. All of our local schools and surrounding states worked very hard and was very creative in coming up with a system to still educate our children and get their lesson done so no one would fall behind. Assignments have been sent home for possibly the remainder of the year, either on line or by paper packets. Each student has the teachers email and phone number too where they can be reached anytime should them or the parents come across any problems.

I am glad I have stocked up on things here in the house and at my husbands mothers house too. We keep a check on them once a week. I will go pick up whatever they need and just leave it on their front porch. Dear hubby orders anything he can nonperishable. Some items are getting harder to find. Stores now have started limiting items per purchase per household.   They have even implemented store procedures to cut down on traffic in stores and to prevent lingering. Now,  most stores only have one way in and same way out so they can monitor traffic and will only let so many in at a time or square feet.  They will monitor and make sure you are not lingering and taking too long because people are standing in line outside the store. You are to get what you need and get out. Dear hubby does not want me going out unless absolutely necessary.  Only time will be to get my prescriptions filled and even now they have outside pick up. All you have to do is call and let them know you are outside and they will bring it to you. I am thinking of making me a mask in case I should have to get out again.

I know alot of kids are scared right now and do not understand what is going on. I am so glad my grandkids are too young to really know what's going on.

College lessons have resumed for my DIL and public school lessons have resumed for all kids. I have to frequently watch the girls for Jossie so she can have online classes with her teacher and take tests with some of her teachers and she can't exactly do that with toddlers crying,  screaming or fighting in the back ground. So I get to see them some.
I have little preschool lessons with them and we have fun. Atleigh just about made biscuits all by herself one morning under my assistance. Caroline wanted to play in her little kitchen and sink

We had some pretty days and got to play outside and one day I got to finally finish my arbor I've been trying to finish since Fall. I had to finish staining it. Now, all done, 

 I got a chance to go to Lowe's to get everything I needed to plant in our garden before things went haywire. I'm so glad I did. I bought 50 tomato plants,  25 pepper plants, 36 broccoli plants, 30 cabbage plants and 18 cauliflower. I would have gotten more but that was all the cauliflower they had left. My truck was packed.

The girls got to spend the night one night because mommy had a big test she had to take the next morning and needed some quiet time to study so she could take her test early the next morning.  So we got up, ate breakfast and got out side and got our feet and hands in the dirt.
We got all the cold stuff planted and in the ground. They were beginning to get hot and hungry again so we took a little break. When mommy got donewith her test and lessons,  she came and helped us finish. We finished the day with planting 10 zucchini plants, 10 squash plants and two different kinds of watermelons. And we watered them down real good.

Home school lesson for Atleigh and Caroline this morning: "you don't work, you don't eat!"  Atleigh dragging that waterhose saying, " I got this girlfriend!" PRICELESS.     These were two very tired little girls but they worked today. And Jossie sweated just a little. I will have to work her harder next time. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‰πŸ₯•πŸ†πŸŒ½πŸŒΆπŸ₯¦πŸ…

They went home to take a much needed nap and I went in a took a much needed shower and took a nap.

After evening I knew I needed to go back out and cover the plants with something to keep the deer and rabbits out until I could cover with hay that Dakota brought me.

I had a few tarps and covered them. The next morning, got up and went out and fertilized and spread hay over them. I'm trying out this method this year in hopes it will cut down on the weeds to make it easier on me.
Got that done just in time before it started raining. Next, I will put up tposts and cattle panels for peppers and tomatoes. I probably plant them next week after last frost date.

My momma celebrated her 74th bday. Too bad I didn't get to spend it with her due to this shelter in place order. 

She is my best friend. I am so glad she was raised in a Christian home and raised us in one as well. She will hit her knees on your behalf and she will also tell it like it is if she has too. She will still have your backside too if need be. I'm still kind of scared of her. I am so glad my kids are close to her just like I was my grandparents. And now her great grandkids. She is a hoot and a force to be reckoned with. She can shoot straighter than most sharp shooters. She can hit a snake right between the eyes on the first shot. I've seen her do it.  She is my rock when I need encouragement and prayer. Happy bday momma, I hope you have many more. 

I am my mother twin 

This week before Easter is known as Holy Week. Each day this week Jesus did something that led up to Easter Sunday. 
You can read about each day here :
It will start you at Palm Sunday and tell you each day what Jesus did and the books and chapters of each 4 gospels you can read about it. 
It has been very enlightening.  

 We have had a tragedy strike our family in the last few days.  One of my husbands nephews was killed in a vehicle accident. The family is not able to have a traditional funeral service due to restrictions of social distancing and regulations at this time at funeral homes.  So they have decided to cremate and have a memorial service this weekend with possibly everyone staying in their vehicles. We are not sure of the details yet. Please keep our family in your prayers. 

We will continue to pray for everyone during this time in our country as well. 

I hope everyone stays safe and well in the next few days and weeks to come. 

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