
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter 2020

On this day in Holy Week, it is called Preperation Day. Today a man from Arimethia named Joseph came to Jerusalem to ask Pilate for Jesus body so he could properly take care of the body but Jewish custom. Now the thing is, this man was a member of the Sanhedrin  court,  the very court that plotted Jesus death and his trial. However, Joseph was a secret follower of Jesus and was afraid to come forth in  regards that he would be punished. Another man named Nicodemus came to help with preparing Jesus body. Nicodemus was also a member of the Sanhedrin court. However, he was also converted and Jesus explained to him earlier what being Born Again meant. 
Pilate gave the authority to give these men Jesus body. They brought many spices and oils to wrap Jesus body in. Myrrh is one the spices which has significant meaning as one of the gifts that the Wise Men brought Jesus after he was born. 
After preparing his body, Joseph rolled a stone in front of the entrance to close it. Later, a guard went to Pilate and reminded him what Jesus had said about rising again in three days, so Pilate orders guards to stand at the tomb.

Today we had the graveside service for dear hubby's nephew. I did not take any pics because I was recording the service for some elderly relatives who didn't  get to go. 

I'm so glad dear hubby got to come home for funeral and he got to see his girls hunt Easter eggs this evening.  We chose to do it this evening for one the weather is suppose to get really bad here tomorrow with 100 %   chance of tornadoes and severe weather.  Also, dear hubby has to leave back out to go back to work. We kept it to a minimum of just 7 people.  We were outside so we are fine. 

I wonder when all this is over if we are going to be just as careful, conscious and lenient about germs and hygiene this fall when flu season hits.  

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