
Monday, April 20, 2020

Days Around Here

Days around here look something like this. On the days Jossie has class work to do with her teachers on line, I keep the girls busy. They do school too. We are working on letters, numbers, shapes and colors. We draw and create things. 

Then there is Science class. Bugs, birds, blooms and of course, a little water. 

Then we have some free time and watch a movie and eat popcorn. 

I love naptime cause I get all the snuggles I want.

Lesson for the high schoolers is putting up tposts and cattle panels in garden to get ready to put tomato and pepper plants. We are installing a solar electric fence this year because I can not loose  my garden to deer and racoons this year.

When your mother in law aka: Nanny tells your son if he gets him a rabbit or squirrel, that she will make him dumplings, this is the result. They were yummy rabbit dumplings. That is one less rabbit that want be eating my broccoli and cauliflower.

I love this little visitor when I'm sitting at my bedroom window reading my devotions in the mornings.

All these years of teaching your kids how to cook has paid off. Dallas made us some salmon one night for supper.

I did a thing and I'll do it again. I knew there was something you could do with pineapple cores and the peelings. People in Jamacia boil them down and strain the juice and add tumeric and ginger and a sweetner. Yummy cold or warm.

One morning I made a whole batch of pancakes and froze the rest to have breakfast on hand.

Today was a busy day. 8 hours later and I have 21 quarts of beautiful baked beans. My feet and legs are killing me so I am not doing any thing the rest of the  night except watch some tv.

I hope everyone is doing well. We are almost to the end of our peak time for shelter at home order. Our governor will be slowly opening things back up at the end of the month. Not that I'm gonna flock to town anyway. Cause I don't really like going unless I have to or there is just something I really want to do. 

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