
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Let Me Introduce Myself

I am still learning Blogger and how it works and trying my best to get my blog up and running like I want it. I am still transferring things from Wordpress here to blogger so please be patient with me. I probably just made my last post on Wordpress today. Kind of sad and bittersweet but they have changed some things and so had photobucket so now I have to find other options. 

I'm sorry I left y'all hanging on my last posts so let me introduce myself. 

My name is Tracy and I am a wife,  mother and grandmother to the most wonderful blessings in my life.  God has truly blessed me and watched over me all my life. I truly do not deserve it.  However,  he chose to and will do my very best with what he has blessed me with. I'm very passionate about being a wife, mother and grandmother.  I take those rolls very seriously.  I still may stink at it every once in a while.  

This is my family:
This is me, also known as Gmaw, and my husband, also known as dear hubby or Poppie, our youngest son Dallas, our oldest son Dakota with his wife, Jossie, their two daughters Atleigh and Caroline.  We are all about some family. We've tried to instill these qualities into our boys and hopefully it will stem on down further generations.  My husband and I have been married 28 years. Well, 28 come December.  We've been together 29 yrs. He was in the USMC and is now a Quality Control Engineer for nuclear plants. I am a homemaker which I am very pleased with. When I was younger I always said I wanted to be just like my grandmother and here I am. After i graduated high school, I did not go to college because nothing out there interested me. You can't teach someone how to be a wife and mother in college. I am what I am today just like I always wanted. I did work my share up until our youngest was born and I wanted to homeschool our children.  Dear hubby let me take off work so I could do this. I homeschooled both our boys until Jr high because they wanted to play football for our local school. We still have one in school. He is a Jr this year. When they went to school, I didn't return to work due to being diagnosed with RA early in life. My dr and team are trying to help me somewhat so I can live some kind of normal life.
Our oldest son works for our local power company and our dil is going to school to be a nurse. I get the joy of keeping my grand babies and we have a strong bond. I love teaching them just like I did my kids all over again. 
We love God, our Bibles, our freedom, faith, and family.  We hunt, fish, farm a little ,and etc. 
I have so many pages on our old blog that I am trying to transfer over to here. I will have plenty to post about and share. 
If you want to catch up on us until I get completely transferred to blogger, you can at
My next post will start from where we are today. 
I hope you enjoy.  


  1. Hi Tracy so glad you stopped over on my blog and left such a sweet comment :)

    I'm sorry you're having to merge everything over from Wordpress to Blogspot, it is quite a hassle, so hope it is done for you soon.

    You have a beautiful family. I love meeting fellow homemakers who love this kind of life just as much as I do. I've added you to my sidebar so I can pop in often.

    Have a blessed day,
