
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Quick Pickled Eggs Homemade Bread and More

 It has been a busy week. 

I'm trying to get caught up on things and wrap up Summer but I had to get over a sinus infection and double ear infection first and one granddaughter had strep throat. 

I was mostly on the couch with dear hubby taking care of me. But I'm over it except just a still stuffy nose. Seems like it doesn't want to leave me. 😕  But the home making must go on. 

I boiled some eggs and made some quick pickled eggs by just peeling them and dropping them into some pickle brine already from a jar of store bought pickles. Pretty clever huh? Grandkids live this trick. They love just plain boiled eggs as a quick snack too. 

I love to make refreshing sugar free lemonade for these last hot days of summer. Lemon juice, water and Stevia. 

Homemade bread is always a winner and made up a batch of sugar free strawberry jam again for dear hubby. 

Gathered the last of the okra and tomatoes and closing the garden because dear hubby and I are fixing to have to go on his fall work trip. 

School is definitely on a roll and testing already starting. I'm already for fall break. 

Those BER months start tomorrow and Apple season is first. Next year maybe the apple trees we planted will have alot of apples on then and I already see alot of things I'm going to do with them. 

September always kicks off our hunting with dove season and skeet shoots but over the past few years, our kids have gotten so busy living their grown lives that we have not done this for a while. I miss those days. As soon as dove season starts, you can literally hear the sounds. It's a big thing in our neck of the woods. 

We've got confirmed pregnancies in our cows and calves have been weaned. Pastures will be rotating in a few weeks. 

We had to travel for a funeral for my last Uncle. Now, it is just my momma left out of her immediate family. The decision was made to cremate because of transportation from across the US was outrageous.  Plans and permission was given to bury his ashes with his families cemetery where my PaPa and MaMa served as Pastor and Pastors wife.  His only daughter, my cousin, did an excellent job of planning, transporting and officiating the memorial and service. 

My momma is the baby of her family and misses them dearly. We all do. 

We've had an awesome summer and been able to get some projects done. That will be in other posts to share with you. 

Hope everyone has a safe and blessed and most of all, restful Labor Day weekend. 


Keeper of the Home 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Latest Videos on Our YouTube Channel

 We have alot of new videos on our channel from last week and this week. 😀 

Be sure to check them out. Dear hubby made another video all on his own.  He shows you how to take a pork belly and turn it into home Cured bacon

I was busy in the garden and had a ton of tomatoes to process so my video is another quick way I process tomatoes and turn them into pasta sauce for so many dishes. Dear hubby said this is his favorite out of all the other ways I have done them. So I guess we will be doing them this way from now on. 

Then I have a recipe where I am using canned biscuits as the star of the show. 

And if you have been following my Breadmaking for Beginners series, there is a new one today. You don't want to miss it.  4pm today. 

Thanks so much for following us on YouTube.  Hope you enjoy them. 


Keeper of the Home 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Easy Dollar Tree Crafts

 I have to show off some of my Mommas handy skills. My momma loves to craft and enjoys it so much. She may not love to cook but crafting is her thing. 

These items are all Dollar Tree items. 

She made cake stands and dip serving trays. 

She just used Epoxy and a hot glue gun. Isn't she clever. 

The dome cake cover is the only one I did. I bought a clear serving bowl that is in the wedding decorating section and used hot glue to glue to the bottom and make a handle for a cake cover. 

These come in real handy for parties, get togethers and family holiday meals. 
You can catch different patterns throughout the seasons and make seasonal table scapes. 

You can get creative and turn them different ways to make different trays and stands. 

These would also make great gift giving ideas. Perfect to get started now for the Holidays. 

If you are going to buy multiple quantities of these, you can order them directly on line from the Dollar Tree website and have them sent straight to your home without having to leave your home. 

If you would like to order from Dollar Tree directly,  here is their link to the website 

This is the end of August so it's not too early to get started. Christmas will be here before you know it. 

There are some other crafts from Dollar Tree you might be interested in. Last year I bought multiple dish towels and pot holders from the website. And I made Christmas gifts with them for each household in my family and extended family and even my neighbors. They loved them. 

Here is a video of what I made 

I hope I have given you some great ideas and inspiration for the upcoming holidays or just some cutsie things for you and your home. I hope most of all I have gave you some inspiration. 

Hope you enjoy and have fun. 

Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms 

This post contains an affiliate link to which 4D Farms earns a small commission at no additional cost to you.  Thank you for your support.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Homemade UnCrustables

AHAH!!!!!    You can make homemade uncrustables. 

Do your kids love the Uncrustables but you don't like the price? Well, here you go. You can make them yourself for a fraction of the cost a piece just by getting the ingredients and you will have more left over. 
Do the math. Figure the price of a loaf of bread, small jar of peanut butter, small jar of jelly. See how many you can get out of a whole loaf of bread. Compare that to the price of one box of just a few prepackaged sandwiches. See? 

Use this to start your math. A box of 10 at Walmart is $9.48 

A loaf of bread

A jar of peanut butter

A jar of jelly

Let's round the price up to $6 for these three items. Now figure how many sandwiches you can get out of that loaf of bread. I would think you can get at least 17 to 20 sandwiches out of this loaf. Depends on how many slices. 
20 divided by 6 is about 30 to 33  cents a piece. (give or take according to the calculator). 
Take into account you may have some jelly and peanut butter left over to start another batch. 
I would say that is a cost savings in itself. 
Then you can always use the crusts for French Toast Sticks to dip in syrup for breakfast or bread pudding, bread crumbs or croutons. Never toss the crusts. 

This is a win win situation. 
Here's how:

No fancy equipment. Just a jar ring and a fork to crimp the edges. Viola! 

Another good part is these are freezable. Alot of people are afraid to remake sandwiches is because they get soggy with the jelly. Here is the remedy. Put a thin layer on each side of the bread. Sandwich the jelly between. This acts as a barrier. 
These can be made in advance and frozen to grab and throw into the lunch box. They keep the lunchbox cool and they are thawed by lunch. Talk about convenient and time saving. 

So enjoy your savings and sanity. Try making your own Uncrustables today. Your kids will love you for it. 

Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms 

Don't forget to check out my Amazon Store if you want to find great lunch making supplies.

 4D Farms LLC is an affiliate and we do make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Homemade Lunchables

Yes, you can make your own homemade lunchables for around the same price as one little lunchable at the store and have more left for a week or two and have more quantity. 😉

Lunchables are expensive to me for just the little amount that you get. I love to buy the items for different Lunchables,  bring them home, make them up and have plenty items left over for another week or two of them. 

You can come up with your own combination. 
They are so easy to make by just putting them into a sandwich container with some liners or a bentgo style lunch container. 

Your child will also get more. 
I love to make school lunches and I have a few videos on ideas for lunches hot or cold for these kids. 
You can check them out here:

I give you so many ideas of different kinds of lunches and choosing from all the groups in the food pyramid.  In the next video I show you all my lunch making supplies and accessories. 

If you want to find some of these supplies, I have them in our Amazon Store in our Kitchen Essentials List 

I am also an affiliate with Bentgo and you can check them out here 

They have sales going on right now since school is back in session or your area may be fixing to start. They also have so many new items for adults. There are options to personalize your products too. How cool is that? 

Kids or grown ups lunches do not have to be boring anymore. Play with your food and see what all creations you can come up with. 

You can also teach your kids to make their own lunches and here are a few cute little ideas:

Oh, these are just some ideas, there is more where those came from. 
I pack my husband's lunch for work as well. He loves the care I put into them. 
I also fix Make Ahead Breakfasts for Grab and Go or Quick Sit Down and Eat. That's a whole other post in itself. 
I hope you enjoy some of these ideas and check out our videos and stores. 

Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms 

4D Farms LLC. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Our storefront link is an affiliate link that earns our farm a commission at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. You can trust that we recommend products that we use in our own home and love and maybe some we wish to have. Our storefront is designed to help you locate items easily by specific organized and titled lists. 
Thank you for your support. 

This post also contains other affiliate links to which 4D Farms LLC earns a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Homemaking Hack

 Neat little trick. Instead of throwing away tons of plastic bags, get some uses out of them. I fold them like little footballs( the kind we use to play paper football with in school when the teacher wasn't looking lol), or you can just shove them down in there lol, then store them in a container ( I use wipe containers since I have plenty), and use them in small trash can liners, in my truck for garbage, dirty diapers on the go, soiled clothes, even barf bags in a pinch.

Follow me for more. 


Keeper of the Home 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Latest Videos On Our Channel

 This post is to let you know there have been some new videos uploaded the past week on our channel. I hope you find one you really enjoy and can use. 

The first video I will be showing you how I used my new Ball Mason Fermenting Kit to make quick and easy saurkraut. 

If you want to know where you can find this kit, it is in our Amazon Store on our Canning and Preserving Essentials List 

It is almost the "BER" months and the weather will start breaking, hopefully, and there is nothing more satisfying than soups. In this video, I cover the basics of making a good soup with minimal ingredients. There are a few ingredients that are the staples to making any kind of soup and going from there. So join me and let's learn how. 

Join me as I make a quick and easy air fryer meal so simple that it works great for college kids that's now gone back to college or to put a good, quick easy meal on the table for your family. 

A few little shots of the farm and what's going on. 

Then I felt as though this one was very important. There are so many people struggling with mental issue. I know so many women that struggle and did struggle with post partum depression. So many other issues like just mild depression to anxiety. 
Please join me as we discuss some of these and for family members to look for signs in their loved ones before it's too late. 

I hope you enjoy these and find them very useful. 

Until the next post, God Bless


Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Photo Bombed

 Getting photo bombed on the farm. ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠðŸĪŠðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸŪ🐂🐄

The Lord keeps on blessing, so I'll keep on picking. 

So far I have 61 jars of sauce. The rest of the tomatoes will get roasted and jarred up. It has been a good season considering these jewels were started in a Hydroponics System. My momma started all our tomato plants in it and we planted all out in the garden in the spring. She did amazing. They grew incredibly tall. We will be doing them this way again. It saved us alot of money starting them ourselves. This winter our systems will be put to us growing fresh herbs for us to preserve. 

If you want to know more about this system  here are two videos that explain it all. 

You can find these in our Amazon Store on our Garden Essentials Playlist 

I hope you consider one or two. I have three. They are wonderful for starting seeds indoors and growing things indoors. 


Keeper of the Home