
Thursday, April 18, 2024

New Clothes

 To say I have been busy is an understatement.  I locked myself down for 2 weeks and got busy. A few things for them and a few things for me. Oh, buy there will be more. 😁😁

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Latest Videos

 Join me on my YouTube channel for my latest Videos. 

One video is in my Homemaking Series. The things I cover on my Homemaking page here on the blog are in video form on my channel. I cover alot in this video. Grab and snacky snack, pen and paper. 

Today's video is sharing grocery buying tips I have learned over the years. 

With all the rising costs of groceries and everything else, we have got to get smarter at shopping economically. Especially you young whooper snappers. Yep, you youngn's. It is your hard earned money use it wisely. I am decades old and have learned a few tricks and just want to share them with you.  #budget #LifeSkills #grocery #groceryshopping #shopping

I hope you enjoy these. 😉  I count it a joy to be able to help people any way I can. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Get A Jumpstart On Canning Supplies


If you are growing a garden and you are going to preserve your harvest, now might be a good time to start stocking up on your supplies. Waiting until it is time to harvest or later in the summer can cause shortages, shelves being empty and not being able to find what you need and paying higher prices. So get a Jumpstart on getting your canning supplies before they get gone. 

Also, if you do not exactly know how you are going to preserve something, you need to research this info before harvesting. 

Check out our Canning and Preserving page by clicking on the title in the subheader box on the home page. It will take you to that page. I show you how we preserve everything  we grow or we buy in bulk from the store. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Transplanting Your Seedlings or Starter Plants


Spring is in the air and is bringing warmer temperatures,  for some places that is. 

If you spent the winter or early spring starting seeds indoors, your plants should be getting ready to transplant out into the garden. Just a few things to remember though before you do this. 

The plants need to be hardened off first. Hardening off means you slowly introduce them to fresh air, sunshine and the outdoor elements. As the temps warm up and on pretty days, you can take them outside and let them start getting use to the outdoors. Bring them back in when the sun is going down and the temps get lower. You do this slowly because you don't want to shock them. There is nothing worse than working so hard to start seeds and baby them to turn around and shock them and possibly loose them. I have done this myself. Lost every herb plant I had. 

The next step is to find out what your last frost date is for your zone. Then it will be safe to transplant to the garden. Still keep an eye on the weather in case of potential sudden frosts or bad weather. Have something on hand to be able to cover them if necessary.  I have had to cover plants like broccoli,  cauliflower and cabbage before because of sudden frost out of no where. I did this with a bed sheet. 

You can use hay, a sheet, milk jugs, jars, ziploc bags, trash bags etc. If using bags, just  kind of tie them to the base of the plant so they want blow off. 

Protect those babies with your life. You worked hard for them and they will bring you plenty of harvests and your work will not be in vain. 

Happy Gardening. If you are going to plant a garden from seeds are already bought plants,  check out our Gardening Page here on the blog. In the subheader,  at the top of the homepage, are titles. Those titles are links to pages concerning that topic. Just click on it and it will take you directly to that page. 

Happy reading. 😊 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Transitioning Your Home From Winter To Spring


It   is that time of year to  enjoy Spring weather. Your home needs to be able to enjoy it as well. These are some things I like to do to transition my home from Winter to  Spring. Any day the weather starts permitting, I will start raising the windows to let in fresh air and sunshine and push out some of those winter germs. When I've aired out the house really good, this is the perfect time to spring clean anything that I may have missed while regular cleaning or saved for this particular season. We love to give the house a bath and pressure wash, clean gutters, clean the flue, wash windows, etc. On the inside I will take down curtains and wash them and clean the windows and glass screen doors. I will try to vacuum out any bugs or gunk from the inside window seal. I will switch any candle or essential oil scents to spring flower scents. I replace table runner and place mats to spring ones. Bring in those early blooming daffodils and hyacinths and place in a jar for the table. 

My husband grew up with a momma who washed the walls in the spring. Anyone else's mommas do this? She literally moved furniture and took things off the walls to do this.   She used bleach and water. This killed all the germs. She was a stickler and my husband dreaded this every season. lol He had to help move furniture and take things off the walls. 

Transitioning the home can help relieve the winter blues and stress. There is nothing like breathing in clean fresh air and letting the home breathe as well. 

What are some ways you can share that you transition your home for Spring?