
Sunday, January 29, 2023

Life Is Fast

 Some days just go by in a blur. You know, the kind where you wake up and it's so busy that the day just becomes a blur and you don't know what day it is. Life is fast and it happens fast. You just go with the flow and eventually you play catch up. It has been this way since last summer. 

Well, this has been a busy week for sure. But I am not dare going to complain. You see, that answered prayer was that our granddaughters and their mommy  moved back here. They are back with all their family and their other grandmother is very happy. With that being said, our oldest who is in school is now registered and going to the very same school her Poppie, Daddy, and Uncle Dallas went to. She is settled in great and has made friends. Yesterday was the 100th day of school and it was dress like an old person day. I will give yall one guess as to what she said. Yep. "I look like you Gmaw!"

They are getting all settled into their home and we are happy. I have been helping get her to school and pick her up. Little sister has been staying with me during the day and we have been busy. 

We cook, bake, play, read, do school and chores. 

After school, we come back and do homework, feed cows, have tea party's and if they want to do a chore to get rewarded, then I will find something they can do. 

After they do their chores, they get a button. They out them into their lock boxes. Poppie cashes them in for dollars on payday. 

Some nights mommy gets off work late and I will go ahead and get them baths and supper so she doesn't have to do it when it is her week with them. 

One night it was pizza night. 

Homemade pizzas for the win. One Cheese, one pepperoni and one BBQ pizza. Along with orange soda and a&w root beer from our Soda Stream.

And then another prayer has been answered for 2023. 

Trust me when I say, the Lord hears your prayers. I have been praying for so long and God answered. Son, I am so thankful that God has healed your heart, and you have learned to trust again. We are gaining another Daughter in law to our family and bonus mom to our girls. Thank you Jordan Ryan for loving him and pushing him to always be his best. He honestly deserves you and will treat you like a Queen. Welcome to our crazy but passionate family. You will be loved and protected and spoiled by all of us just like the rest of us. We take care of ours. We may not have much, but we have family and that's all that matters. Welcome to the family. We love you. ❤️

We celebrated Dallas 20th birthday.  

Well, the baby is no longer a baby. But I'm glad you still love Legos and wrestling men. 

My mini me turns 20 today. I think you get it now. This is why we parented the way we did. It was so you could make it this far and more. Now that wasn't so bad was it?. All those qualities got you to where you are today. You have come a long way, overcame alot and made your mark on this world. I think you see it now. You will continue to do great things and go places. Just trust in the Lord to lead, guide and direct you. We hope you have a wonderful birthday. We love you. ❤️

Time Flys by so fast. 

So yesterday was pay day for chores. It is fun to see a kid eager to work. Teaching work ethics can start at an early age. Rewarding can be fun too. Hey, you get paid at your job don't you?

Today they get to spend it. I might have to take a chair with me so I can sit down in the isle and wait. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I will pick her up from school and take them to town. Pray for me. Lol 😆 

Some happy little girls. Did it take forever? Yes. Did they want every toy in the store? Yes. Did they have to learn how to choose? Yes. Did I get tired? You betcha. But they worked for them so they got what they wanted, even though it was tough decisions. Did people get frustrated standing in the check out line? Yes. Learn patience when working with children  and don't get your drawers knotted up Karen's. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's a learning process and teaching opportunity .

Then Saturday morning I went down to pick them up. Dakota is on call so instead of him waking them up on a Saturday morning when it's not a school day, i figured I'd let them sleep in and I'd just run and get them. They get to spend the night. 

We spent most of the morning playing and then it was nap time. They had woke up early this morning and they were looking for me because they were so excited. After nap,  we got outside for a bit until we started feeling sprinkles.  We came in and it was time to get supper started. We made tortillas from scratch and turned them into quesadillas and enchiladas. 

We cleaned up after supper and took showers and baths and then it was a movie kind of night. 

Off to bed after the movie and bedtime story and prayers. 

Sunday morning we got up and went to church, came home and ate lunch. When daddy got off work he came and got them. 

We had the best week with our little buddies. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Weekly Happenings


She is very talented 

All week, I followed her lead and just let her do what she wanted to do. Some times was just playing other times she wanted to just sit and read books, so we read books, lots of books. 

I have been working on decluttering another room in the house which also has a filing cabinet. Old things out, new things in. 

Friday finally came and daddy went to pick up big sissy so she could spend the night with us too. We ate supper,  and then watched movies and ate popcorn. 

We got up Saturday, it was a Princess dress up kind of day. 

She loves our morning snuggles

Better than McDonalds Happy Meals. BTW McDonald's, preschoolers do not know how to play Monopoly.

We basically played all day, took a nap and then Daddy came to get them. 

I picked up the girls a little something in town. We are going to have fun with these. 

Sunday was church and hubby and I went and ate lunch together. We just rested the rest of the day. 

We already have one answered prayer for 2023. It has been a long time coming. I have prayed and prayed and prayed. I just want to say, never give up and always trust God.