
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Family and Arctic Coldfront

 Gosh, it has been crazy around here. 

The arctic front came through here like a mad teenager slamming doors. Lol. People  had busted, frozen pipes and a higher power, power supply wanted all local power companies to comply with rolling blackouts to conserve energy and less stress on the power grids. 

They did the black outs in intervals in different areas. Then some homes just lost power on their own. We got down into the single digits with negative windchill factors.  We were all snuggled in and our families. We had food, heat, water and power except for when it was our time for the 30 minute black out. We used our fire place to ease our central heat. We kept it on high enough to just keep pipes from freezing. Our son got called in while he was on his vacation to help with the black outs.  The temps finally got up into the 20s and 30s. Even in arctic freezes, cows still have to be fed. 

Then Christmas finally arrived. Things were different for me and dear hubby this year. We did not have a kid at home waking us up on Christmas morning. ðŸ˜Ŧ 
It's hard when you are an empty nester especially on the holiday. We had our gift giving and then later that evening we went to my momma and Daddys like we always do every year. However, the rest of my family couldn't make it because some were without water and alot were sick. So much happening at one time and at the wrong time. 

After we left my momma and daddys, we got to drop by and pick up our girls and let them spend the night with us so they could wake up the next morning and have Christmas even though it was a day later.  

Our Christmas started that night as Poppie read the Christmas story to the girls with a flashlight as he always does. Then we put out milk and Santas favorite cookies of all, chocolate oatmeal cookies. Then off to bed where they passed out. ðŸ˜ī


The girls got a special suprise from Santa when we showed them the pics of Santa on the cameras. We caught him. And he left them a note. And he even took the time to pose for a pic for them. And Gmaw got sugar from Santa. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Nanny got the biggest laugh out of this and is smiling and laughing. 💗

It was so nice to have all our kids under the same roof and share the day with. It was nice to hear children's laughter and excitement again. 😄 

After exchanging gifts, me and all my girls hit the kitchen to make a good country breakfast, after eating and getting full bellies, everyone was so comfortable they passed out. 

Ad if the day couldn't get any more perfect, it started snowing and snowed most of the day. God truly blessed us with a wonderful, white Christmas. Then the cows had to be taken care of of course. 

We had such a great time. The girls got to spend two nights with us. Dakota is on vacation and Atleigh is on school break so I have to share her with Daddy. Lol. 

We have been playing games and playing with their new toys. 

I've also been trying to get my house cleaned too. Lol. 

This week I just want to play with them and have fun and next week I will begin to undecorate, clean and get back to normal. 

I have plenty more new videos coming and making. 

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a very blessed and Happy New Year with Gods blessings. But it's also about blessing God too with our daily lives. 

Blessings to all. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄

 Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. We would like to wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Dixons. May you know Peace, Joy, and happiness.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Getting Prepared

 Here comes the storm y'all. 💧❄️☃️ðŸŒĻ🌧🌎 . I hope everyone is prepared and has a plan to stay warm. It is nice to open up jars of things you have canned and then have a ham that your dear hubby smoked. 😊 Nannys green beans fried in bacon grease just like she use to do it, fried potatoes that I canned a few weeks ago, pinto beans I canned and hammock in those beans, accompanied with cornbread. Please everyone stay safe and warm.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Happy Anniversary

 This time of year is always magical, but for me and David Dixon it's twice as special. 31 years ago I got a phone call from my Marine in Okinawa, Japan and he said he was coming home for Christmas and we were going to get married. I got to walk down the isle to my Prince Charming. ðŸĪī I mean, just look at him. And I got to be Cinderella ðŸ‘ļ. You have always treated me like a Princess. Now, were kind of like Santa 🎅 and Ms. Claus ðŸĪķ because I think we've ate too many milk and cookies. 😅😅

We may not have known everything when we got married, but we sure did figure them out and hung in there. We learned and grew together. God has had his hand on our marriage and relationship since the day we met. Heck, it was his idea and plan anyway. I am so glad he brought you to me. You rode in on your noble steed and rescued me. 

You never cease to amaze me with your kindness, compassion, loyalty, dedication, respect, honor, and sacrifices. Yes, you aggravate the far out of me and yes I drive you crazy ðŸĪŠ but hey, what else we gonna do with our time? 

We have had and continue to have so many adventures and I will go anywhere with you. You complete me and I couldn't do life without you. 

I hope and pray that we have been and continue to be the best example to our kids and grandkids. I want our legacy to live on through them. We have the greatest family and I couldn't be more blessed. I love you with all my heart and Happy Anniversary 😊

Monday, December 19, 2022

Happy Birthday To Our Oldest

 To my first born Dakota. AKA: Our Cowboy ðŸĪ  

For 6 long years, I begged, cried, and prayed and just when I thought I was not going to be able to have children, God brought us you. It just had to be in his perfect timing. 

You have truly been a blessing, except during the colic stage, oh ok, even then. 🙄

I loved singing to you, reading to you, rocking you, teaching you, even during our homeschool years when you didn't like me being your teacher. 

You were my buddy until dad took you hunting at age three, then that was it. You have been his buddy every since. I'm not even upset about that because you have the greatest dad ever. Y'all have a special bond.  

You have always been more mature than your age and always had an, "I got this" attitude toward life. You are a cross between John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.  

There have been times you have made me cry, pray more , and made my heart do flip flops, but you have learned. Why do boys do that anyway? We have survived bumps, bruises, concussions from football, and the teenage years. Phew. At least no broken bones. 

You have cowboyed up to every situation. And let's not forget how you love to aggravate me all the time. 😝

You are the greatest big brother anyone can have too. Yes, we were strict on you and you think we were awful and let Dallas get away with more. Thing is, you didn't come with instructions and we didn't want to screw this parenting thing up either. We were so nervous and wanted everything to be prefect. With your first kid, it's learning and trial and error. Mostly error until you figure things out. You're more nervous because you're the first kid to do everything for the first time. When the second comes along, you can relax more because you have some things figured out. You are not at uptight and stressed. You're getting this now because you have two of your own. You have a pride about you that makes you who you are. Not to mention, stubborn, hard headed, but very determined. These are all good qualities. You are also loyal. Anyone would be proud to call you friend. 

 You are a great provider, and father and we could not ask for better. You should be proud that you are just like your dad. 

We are so proud of the man you have become. It's what this ole momma has prayed for, for so long. Well, all your life really, since the minute they laid you in my arms. 

I am so thankful that God gave you to us. 

God has a plan for you better than we can know. Trust him to guide you in the right direction. Pray and follow. True happiness will come. 

We hope you have a very happy birthday today. We love you son. ❤❤❤❤

Same rocking chair, 25 yrs. When you try to recreate a photo but he's too dang big 😒 ðŸ˜Ŧ 😑 🙄