
Monday, October 31, 2022

New Series On Our Channel

 I have a couple new videos up in our new series. Be sure to check them out. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Happy Halloween


I've seen this circling around Facebook and just have to say something.  

Yes, I did the door to door thing when I was little and it was awesome. It was a different time and Era. 

But #1, alot of people don't live in a subdivision or any houses real close to them. They live in the boonies. Gas is too high to drive door to door and inconvenient to get in and out so much. The kids would get tired of that after about 3 or 4 times. 

#2, today we live in a world that has become evil and unsafe. Period. You want to have fun and worry free, but there is always that one that is going to destroy that fun. You do not know who you can trust anymore. 

So I will say this, I am so thankful for churches and coordinators in communities who come up with creative ways to help our children have fun in a safe environment. Hope everyone has fun this weekend. Happy Halloween πŸŽƒ

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Why I Have Been MIA

 RSV is running rampant right now. Granddaughters are recovering from it and I swear I think they gave it to me. It lingers and is hard to get over. I can tell you something that really helps. If you have a diffuser (even a vaporizer will work, not a candle warmer), you can diffuse certain essential oils to help. Peppermint and Eucalyptus are  great for respiratory issues. Tea Tree, Frankincense, and Lemon are anti-viral oils. A warm bath before bed with some Lavender scented bubble bath helps them to rest.  Vicks Vaporrub can work wonders if rubbed on the bottoms of the feet and then put socks on to sleep in and rub on the chest. Make sure they blow constantly to get rid of all the mucous so it doesn't get into chest which causes alot of the congestion issues. Saline nasal spray to loosen the phlegm so they can blow it out. Their heads are hurting and they feel achey too. Pain releivers are good. It is a virus and has to run its course but you can help relieve some of the symptoms.  If they are running fever, they are contagious. 

I am no dr but just telling you what helped us.  πŸ€’πŸ€•πŸ€§πŸ₯΅πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ί

We had to leave on a work trip and I still felt awful. Dear hubby left a few days before  did and I had a dr appointment that I could not miss. I had to go to this appointment to get established with a  new primary care physician. My dr that I had for all those years moved to FL to take over his brothers practice. He moved while we were gone on our last trip and I did not get a chance to say goodbye. So I went and got all set up with her and I feel really comfortable with her. I was feeling bad though too because I had gotten the flu shot before I left. So between possible RSV from my granddaughters or just reaction to the flu shot, I just felt awful.  Past flu shots only give me mild symptoms for just a few hours and better the next day but this was over a week and almost two weeks so thats why it makes me think I got something from them.  I know they were rally sick too. Atleigh had to be picked up at school one day running fever and Carolines fever shot up to 103.7 and they got her to the dr as soon as they got up and the clinic opened. If I could have taken it from them, I would have. It breaks my heart to see a child sick. 

I finally arrived to where dear hubby is and I slept and ran fever on and off for over a week. Hardly had an appetite. Finally started feeling better and managed to enjoy some swim time in the hotel heated pool which feels amazing by the way. I had better utilize it while I am here because it is beginning to turn cold in several areas. 

In one of my last posts I told you we were working on fencing back in our pasture from when we took it down several years ago. Well, we finally brought them home.  The girls love helping take care of them. This has been a long awaited time. Our oldest son does all the physical taking care of an feeding. They had been homed at another farm until this day could arrive. This adds to our farm and makes it feel more like a farm again. The heifers and calves will be here on our pasture and the bulls will be in a pasture at my mother  in laws pasture. That is the next project. We are buying fencing materials and when we get back we will work on putting that fence up. We are only here for a few weeks. 

While we are gone, everyone takes care of the place for us. Oldest takes care of the cows and checks the mail and the youngest and our daughter in law feeds the cat, waters my plants, takes care of our dog and theirs too and occassionally steals snacks from the pantry. We have security up in the house and here we caught her red handed. She loves setting the cameras off. 

Our cameras also catch all the wildlife on the property like this doe and her baby 

The girls have called us several times and we get to talk and our oldest photo bombs

Atleighs class went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch and they had a blast. 

More wildlife from the cameras

Even though our youngest is in the Army and working, his childhood has made him want to do some things we use to do. This is a chicken coop at our mother in laws where him and our daughter in law are living. This coop is well around 15 or 16 years old. He has fixed it back up and got him some chickens. We need to help him work on the door when we get home. He got into our barn and dug out some of our old feeders and waterers. I am so glad I never got rid of these things. 

I am glad to see Caroline and her little Uncle Finn feeling better. Finn had RSV first and that is where it all came from. He was bad sick for a few weeks. 

We will be coming home to a clean home.  My mother has been going and cleaning for us once a month. We have appreciated this so much. 

We did however have a tragedy in our family. My nephews wife was pregnant with their second child and she lost it. She was 6 1/2 months pregnant. A few months ago they told her that the babies kidneys were not functioning. Just a few days ago, the baby passed. She told them she still wanted to deliver instead of having surgery to remove the baby. She still wanted that bonding experience. After delivery, they let the baby stay with them the rest of the time and overnight until it was time to take the baby to prepare it. They fixed her up really pretty and the hopital made my nephew and his family  a memorabilia for them. They have a 3 yr old boy who has cried for days because he does not understand. Frankly, none of us do. My nephew and his wife are taking it so badly. Prayers would be appreciated. The funeral was so fast that I did not have time to make it home. 

We only have a few more days here and we will be headed home where we will be for the winter and we cannot wait. We have more football to watch, hunting to do, I am going to be fermenting, pickling and canning some things. We just need some time with family. Our poor granddaughters have expressed that they dont like us being away so long. They said as soon as we get home, we leave again. Bless their hearts. Well, they will enjoy the next few months thats for sure. 

Be sure to check out our channel, I have plenty of new videos up and running. 
Until I post again, have a blessed day. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

New Video


This video is still part of our series on Ways To Preserve Your Food. In this video I try my hands at making fermented saurkraut using cabbage that we grew in our garden. If you don't grow your own cabbage, you can most certainly grab some from the grocery store when they are on sale. You can use just about anything to use as a crock and stomper. I remember watching my grandmother make saurkraut and I wanted to try my hand at it to see if I could do it. I just used what I had on hand to give it a go. 

I will be purchasing some fermenting equipment pretty soon. 

I hope you give it a try. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Three New Videos

 We have three new videos up and running on our channel. They are 3 new videos in our Ways To Preserve Food series. 

Hope you enjoy them.

Also a little something extra

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Wonderful Week

 Well, we had a wonderful week with family. 

The girls came and stayed with us a few days and we soaked it all in. 

One is with the guys on the tractor telling them what to do and the other is reading to her babies and cooking with me.

Everyone came in and we got set down to supper to eat. 

Atleigh: "You have to eat like a lady"
Caroline: hammering on hers like a squirrel like there is no tomorrow. 🀦‍♀️

After supper, we went back outside to watch the guys before the sun set. They always want to be doing what we're doing so why not. Teach them young. 

The next morning Caroline decided she wanted to help me make chocolate chip muffins and we made a video which will be uploaded at a later date on our channel.  While the other princess wanted to go outside and be with Poppie putting together a deer stand. 

The next day, we took them to see my momma and daddy.  Their Granny and Poppa. 

The next day, I got the opportunity to spend the day with all my favorite girls. It was an all girls day out and we took them to a pumpkin patch. πŸŽƒ  I knew I wanted to take them to at least one fun fall thing while we were home. Our DIL and future DIL went with us.  I needed some time with my big girls too. 

I can not express how proud we are to have these young ladies in our family. They have brought such a joy into our lives and family. They bring alot of strengths to their own tables too in their own homes. They complete our family. And thank the Lord they keep my boys in line. And they thought they were getting away from their momma. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 I appreciate their compassion, kindness, love, no drama, honesty, dignity, integrity, loyalty, dedication etc. And I have sisters to worship with. My boys are in very good hands and I have nothing to worry about because I've prayed long and hard for ladies like these and God heard. I love you girls and always know I am here for you. I am always praying for you. We love you.

When we got home Poppie and their daddy was working on the farm and of course they wanted to help. We are about finished with a farm project we have been working on for a while and it is about time. We are getting our pasture ready to bring our calf heifers here to the farm. The bulls will go to another pasture. They have been at another farm and it is time to get them closer to home so it is not so hard on Dakota. 

While the guys finished working, me and the girls got a fire going for hotdogs 🌭 πŸ”₯ and smores. 

We were all exhausted by bedtime but slept good. 😴 

The next morning I let them paint their pumpkins πŸŽƒ 

It was almost time to take them to Mommy and I had to ride them on the Ranger one last time. Then I had to take them to meet mommy. I think I wore them out. Lol. 

Needless to say when I got back home it was extremely quiet. πŸ˜ͺ

Deer hubby was able to do what he wanted to do this week. Our food plots are looking good here and our deer club. The girls love to ride around too and find all the deer cameras and wave at Poppie. He gets them on his phone 

Dear hubby had to go on to the next job but I had to stay back a couple of days because I had a dr appt that I could not miss because I already had to reschedule it twice due to not being home. 

So I will catch up to him. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

New Video

 New video up and running on our channel.

New video

Monday, October 3, 2022

Gonna Miss This Place

 Well, this has been one place I have been sad to leave. The Lakehouse and Lake was very enjoyable and I was able to finish out my summer. I needed my ride or die, Brylee,  this morning because so many photo ops but I had to keep my hands on the wheel because pretty fog lifting off the mountains and rain. I saw so many houses, farms, ranches and big churches with big steeples nestled in the hillsides with cattle and horses grazing. It was beautiful.  I was enjoying my morning drive listening to hymns and me and the Lord just had some long talks.

The next morning we got up and were gone by 5 am. It was dark and I couldn't get any pics of good scenery. πŸ˜ͺ  

We made it home. 

Well, somebody missed me and she is not a very loving cat either. 

We've got a few plans with family coming up.