
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Caught Up In A Whirlwind

 Phew!!!! It has been busy around here. I am so sorry I have not had time to blog. We have just been rocking on with life here lately. Some nights I just fall into bed. 

We have wrapped up our summer here. Where did it go? I'm still trying to enjoy it but despite my effort Fall Is creeping in with some cooler temps every once in a while so we took down our swimming pool. Makes me sad. We didn't get to do alot that we wanted to do this summer due to this virus. Makes me upset. Have I mentioned I wanted normal back?

 I am sad to say that some friends of ours and church members have lost loved ones due to this nasty thing. It breaks my heart.

I am still having lots of activities to do with the girls and we have been having fun. Dear DIL started a part time job at a local hospital three days a week, then she is still going to school two days a week, then she had to add one 12 hr day of clinicals on top of that. So I have had the girls just about everyday for the past month and a half. The downside is, when they hired her at the hospital,  they did not tell her it was rotating shifts and one month would be day shift and the next would be nights. We have had to tough this month out because they could not change the schedule.  It is hard for her to do nights with having toddlers. It's hard on any mom. So between me and Dakota we have managed for the past few weeks. I have helped him get them home and ready for bed and I leave. He puts them into bed and the next morning she gets off and will get home and spend a few hrs with them before she has to go to bed. He brings them to me so she can sleep.  Good thing it's only three days a week. She only has three and a half weeks left until she gets her EMT license and this course will be over. She had already gotten a job offer as soon as she gets her license. The schedule is better too just at a different hospital.  After she gets her license she may go on to get Paramedic license or she may be happy with staying EMT.  That is a decision she will have to make. We are just trying to help out and hang in there. If she can do it, so can we. It has been hard on the girls.  They are use to mommy being there every night since they were born and just for a bit they are out of their comfort zone.  But we have tried to make it as easy as possible and whatever makes them comfortable. 

We have been having alot of fun and making memories. 

We are still getting occasional peppers and I deadhead our marigolds and zinnias for seed. The last thing to harvest is sweet potatoes and we will do them next week. We tested a plant the other day and saw that it was time to harvest. 

We have cooked and baked. We tried homemade corn tortillas using a tortilla press and made homemade enchiladas.  They were yummy. I used my home canned enchilada sauce too.  Then one day we made our own lasagna noodles and made lasagna. They loved that. It was like playdoh to them. That kept them busy for an hr or two. 

They discovered they like raw bell peppers with ranch dressing. I let them practice with a little cutting boards and plastic knives to work on their skills. 

I let them make their own little mini pizzas one day.  I'm teaching them how to cook something and appreciate their creation. 

They help me so much in the kitchen. We bought Poppies favorite biscuits that were on sale, and we flash froze them and repackaged them. 

We had a small little fair come to our town and we enjoyed ourselves. It was very welcome. They actually got to play some games to where they won their own prizes. Dakota was trying really hard to win all his girls some prizes.  He about threw his arm out. 

I've tried to keep a schedule going and incorporating preschool activities every day.  Atleigh loves to do school. She loves all the activities.  I have to be more creative with Caroline with hands on activities.  It takes more to keep her attention. She will get there. Atleigh loves the matching game. 

Caroline loves shape sorters,  blocks and games. I made a sensory box for them. 

We watched Tinkerbell the movie one day and it gave me an awesome idea. I want to try to make a fairy house. So one day we went outside and collected things we needed to make one. I have the cardboard boxes. And of course, there is play time involved. 

Then there are nap times with lots of snuggles and kisses. And the kissing of boo boos. I have to lay down with them at nap time and get some rest with my RA, if I didn't, I would never make it through my whole day. 

The temps are starting to get cooler here and Atleigh loves fires whether its outside or in the fireplace so I promised her one night a marshmallow roast, so we did. 

We packed the pool up and spread out the play area. I sure hated to put it up, I wasn't ready for summer to be over but I'm beginning to embrace fall. 

And then there is occasional goofiness

There is a family of deer that has been coming to our front yard every morning just about and the girls are absolutely loving watching them out the window. I've had to teach them to be real still and quiet as not to spook them. 

Then there are some days when we don't see eye to eye and you have to show a strong willed little girl that it doesn't work out arguing with a strong willed woman. Lol. She is tiny but fierce. She says, "I so so sorry Gmaw." and hugs me and kisses me. Then a little longer she forgets it all over again. Lol. Little stinker. 

Things are getting way too fast for Dallas. Well, for me anyway. I had to pick out some photos for his yearbook for his SR dedication page. These are the ones I picked. He's too stinking cute.

Then today he comes home with his packet to order graduation announcements,  cap and gown and class ring. 

Dallas has got alot on his plate this year with school work,  a job and his  training for the Marines, plus chores around here.  Thankfully he has been able to keep up.  He is probably going to make some changes to his future.  He really wants to go to college through the Marines to study Criminal Justice.  That means he will do Reserves first then active duty. The choice is his. It is his future and he has to decide for himself. He will still be leaving for boot camp in June. Things will not be the same around here. But dear hubby and I have plans too. You see, we've poured all our energy and time into our kids and raising and trying to do the best at the opportunity God saw fit to give us being parents. I sure hope we didn't screw this up. It is going to be our time when Dallas starts his future with his girl. That means that I will travel some with dear hubby. That doesn't mean we will be gone all the time. Just little short trips here and there. We sure will miss our girls. However, I have already told Dakota and Jossie that they may have to go with us a few times here and there. Lol. I remember traveling with my grandparents when I use to spend the summers with them. I never regret it. It was so much fun. I want that same experience with our grands. We will see how it goes. Only God knows what will come up in our future. 

Tonight I made some deer stew with homemade bread. 

Our deer season has started so I can't wait to fill our freezer again with venison to make our own sausage. Dear hubby has gotten good at processing our own deer.

Here is a tip: 

I took left over vegetables and processed them into veggie nuggets as not to go to waste. Always get creative with leftovers and repurpose them. Saves money. 

I love this devotion book. It was my grandmothers and she gave it to my momma in 1977. It is copyrighted 1973 I believe. Then my momma gave it to me. I am reading it now. I remember my momma gathering me and my sisters every night in the middle of her bed and having devotions with us before bed. Every day at naptime we watch a few Bible stories on DVD'S.  I found some at the Goodwill store a few months ago. It pleases my heart when I hear the girls say,  "Just one more story Gmaw!" 

I hope this post finds everyone doing well. 

I never post anything about politics on my page but it is on my heart to say this. Please pray for guidance as to who you choose to vote for. I mean really seek Gods face. He will show you. This election is very crucial to our next generation and 4 yrs. I can't and want tell you who to vote for. Just do your research in an unbiased way and pray hard. 

God Bless.